You may have the product or service your prospects need, but if those prospects don't know you exist, getting a sale from them is tons tougher. Let our strategic advertising campaigns we call Business Builders build your business without crushing your budget. Advertising doesn't have to be expensive, it's just supposed to work. So, go ahead...say it out loud with a well crafted message that makes your phone ring and your website traffic soar...That's what advertising does more anything.
What's a Business Builder?
Our competition hates when we put advertising into terms that mean something. That's exactly why we call our advertising and promotions, Business Builders. Truth is,our clients could care less if they have pretty ads that just win awards. They want results that build their business and fit their budget. Fortunately, Milestone Media cuts through all the red tape and fluff with these kinds of business builders proven to generate results, (we've got more Business Builders, but don't tell the competition).
- Print Ad Designs - Whether it's in a publication or as a hand out, print advertising still has a major place in getting a message out to your market. Even more, the right print ad design can be the building block for all other marketing efforts. No other firm puts the basics of print design into more compelling print ads.
- Direct Mail- Who says you can't target market anymore? If you know who you buyers are, or even better, who they should be, stick your message right in the prospects face with a powerful direct mail piece. From design to printing, and mailing lists to postage, we've got you covered for the essentials of an effective direct mail campaign
- Email Marketing - Same game as direct mail, just with a little more tracking and automated capabilities. Email marketing is direct marketing at its best.